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aggiornamento della scheda grafica Opzioni
Inviato: Sunday, October 17, 2010 3:24:57 PM
Rank: AiutAmico

Iscritto dal : 3/9/2009
Posts: 220
quando uso il programma Google earth, mi appare all'inizio questo messaggio: "Google Earth consiglia aggiornamento driver".
Senza di questi aggiornamneti non mi funziona oppure funziona molto lentamente.
Ho qualche difficoltà ad aggiornare la scheda grafica.
La mia scheda grafica è:

description: VGA compatible controller
product: NV34 [GeForce FX 5200]
vendor: nVidia Corporation
physical id:
bus info:
version: a1
width: 32 bits
clock: 66MHz
capabilities: pm agp agp-3.0 bus_master cap_list rom
driver = nvidia
latency = 248
maxlatency = 1
mingnt = 5
irq : 16
memory : d1000000-d1ffffff
memory : f0000000-f7ffffff(prefetchable)

C'è qualcuno che mi puo aiutare?
Adopero Ubuntu 10.04.

Inviato: Sunday, October 17, 2010 3:24:57 PM

Inviato: Sunday, October 17, 2010 4:19:26 PM

Rank: AiutAmico

Iscritto dal : 9/6/2010
Posts: 2,017
Prova a dare un' occhiata qui:

Inserisci i dati della sceda e scarica i driver.
Inviato: Monday, October 18, 2010 8:40:49 AM
Rank: AiutAmico

Iscritto dal : 3/9/2009
Posts: 220
Ho dato un'occhiata a quel sito. Ho inserito i dati, ma quando clicco su scarica , qualcosa non funziona. In poche parole si blocca il computer e devo cliccare su uscita forzata. E' capitato più di una volta. L'unica cosa che compare è questo:

#! /bin/sh
label="NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86 173.14.27"
add_this_kernel=n#! /bin/sh
label="NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86 173.14.27"

# NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86 173.14.27
# Generated by Makeself 1.6.0-nv
# Do not edit by hand.

# NVIDIA Driver Installation .run file
# If you were trying to download this file through a web browser, and
# instead are seeing this, please click your browser's back button,
# left click on the link, and select "Save as..." (or do whatever is
# appropriate for your web browser to download a file, rather than view
# it).

# print usage information

if [ "$1" = "-help" -o "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ]; then
echo ""
echo "$0 [options]"
echo ""
echo "This program will install the NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for"
echo "Linux-x86 173.14.27 by unpacking the embedded tarball and executing"
echo "the ./nvidia-installer installation utility."
echo ""
echo "Below are the most common options; for a complete list use"
echo "'--advanced-options'."
echo ""
echo "--info"
echo " Print embedded info (title, default target directory) and exit."
echo ""
echo "--check"
echo " Check integrity of the archive and exit."
echo ""
echo "-x, --extract-only"
echo " Extract the contents of $0, but do not"
#! /bin/sh
label="NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86 173.14.27"

# NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86 173.14.27
# Generated by Makeself 1.6.0-nv
# Do not edit by hand.

# NVIDIA Driver Installation .run file
# If you were trying to download this file through a web browser, and
# instead are seeing this, please click your browser's back button,
# left click on the link, and select "Save as..." (or do whatever is
# appropriate for your web browser to download a file, rather than view
# it).

# print usage information

if [ "$1" = "-help" -o "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ]; then
echo ""
echo "$0 [options]"
echo ""
echo "This program will install the NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for"
echo "Linux-x86 173.14.27 by unpacking the embedded tarball and executing"
echo "the ./nvidia-installer installation utility."
echo ""
echo "Below are the most common options; for a complete list use"
echo "'--advanced-options'."
echo ""
echo "--info"
echo " Print embedded info (title, default target directory) and exit."
echo ""
echo "--check"
echo " Check integrity of the archive and exit."
echo ""
echo "-x, --extract-only"
echo " Extract the contents of $0, but do not"
echo " run 'nvidia-installer'."
echo ""
echo ""
echo "The following arguments will be passed on to the ./nvidia-installer"
echo "utility:"
echo ""
echo " -a, --accept-license"
echo " Bypass the display and prompting for acceptance of the"
echo " NVIDIA Software License Agreement. By passing this option"
echo " to nvidia-installer, you indicate that you have read and"
echo " accept the License Agreement contained in the file"
echo " 'LICENSE' (in the top level directory of the driver"
echo " package)."
echo ""
echo " --update"
echo " Connect to the NVIDIA FTP server '"
echo " ' and determine the latest"
echo " available driver version. If there is a more recent driver"
echo " available, automatically download and install it. Any"
echo " other options given on the commandline will be passed on to"
echo " the downloaded driver package when installing it."
echo ""
echo " -v, --version"
echo " Print the nvidia-installer version and exit."
echo ""
echo " -h, --help"
echo " Print usage information for
echo " run 'nvidia-installer'."
echo ""
echo ""
echo "The following arguments will be passed on to the ./nvidia-installer"
echo "utility:"
echo ""
echo " -a, --accept-license"
echo " Bypass the display and prompting for acceptance of the"
echo " NVIDIA Software License Agreement. By passing this option"
echo " to nvidia-installer, you indicate that you have read and"
echo " accept the License Agreement contained in the file"
echo " 'LICENSE' (in the top level directory of the driver"
echo " package)."
echo ""
echo " --update"
echo " Connect to the NVIDIA FTP server '"
echo " ' and determine the latest"
echo " available driver version. If there is a more recent driver"
echo " available, automatically download and install it. Any"
echo " other options given on the commandline will be passed on to"
echo " the downloaded driver package when installing it."
echo ""
echo " -v, --version"
echo " Print the nvidia-installer version and exit."
echo ""
echo " -h, --help"
echo " Print usage information for


# NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86 173.14.27
# Generated by Makeself 1.6.0-nv
# Do not edit by hand.

# NVIDIA Driver Installation .run file
# If you were trying to download this file through a web browser, and
# instead are seeing this, please click your browser's back button,
# left click on the link, and select "Save as..." (or do whatever is
# appropriate for your web browser to download a file, rather than view
# it).

# print usage information

if [ "$1" = "-help" -o "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ]; then
echo ""
echo "$0 [options]"
echo ""
echo "This program will install the NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for"
echo "Linux-x86 173.14.27 by unpacking the embedded tarball and executing"
echo "the ./nvidia-installer installation utility."
echo ""
echo "Below are the most common options; for a complete list use"
echo "'--advanced-options'."
echo ""
echo "--info"
echo " Print embedded info (title, default target directory) and exit."
echo ""
echo "--check"
echo " Check integrity of the archive and exit."
echo ""
echo "-x, --extract-only"
echo " Extract the contents of $0, but do not"
echo " run 'nvidia-installer'."
echo ""
echo ""
echo "The following arguments will be passed on to the ./nvidia-installer"
echo "utility:"
echo ""
echo " -a, --accept-license"
echo " Bypass the display and prompting for acceptance of the"
echo " NVIDIA Software License Agreement. By passing this option"
echo " to nvidia-installer, you indicate that you have read and"
echo " accept the License Agreement contained in the file"
echo " 'LICENSE' (in the top level directory of the driver"
echo " package)."
echo ""
echo " --update"
echo " Connect to the NVIDIA FTP server '"
echo " ' and determine the latest"
echo " available driver version. If there is a more recent driver"
echo " available, automatically download and install it. Any"
echo " other options given on the commandline will be passed on to"
echo " the downloaded driver package when installing it."
echo ""
echo " -v, --version"
echo " Print the nvidia-installer version and exit."
echo ""
echo " -h, --help"
echo " Print usage information for

Che altro posso fare?

Inviato: Monday, October 18, 2010 8:51:56 AM

Rank: AiutAmico

Iscritto dal : 9/20/2004
Posts: 1,623
Il tuo browser non riconosce come scaricabile il file .run e cerca di visualizzarlo.
invece di cliccare con il sinistro sul pulsante "accetta e scarica" cliccaci su con il destro e scegli "salva destinazione con nome..."
Una volta scaricato, rendilo eseguibile se non lo fosse e poi avvialo da console con il comando ./
Ovviamente al posto di nomefile metti ilvero nome del file che hai scaricato.
Forse è necessario eseguirlo da root. Prova prima da utente normale, se ti da qualche errore passa a root con sudo -i e riprova.

P.S. fai attenzione a scaricare i driver giusti, visto che non hai precisato se il tuo ubuntu è a 32 o 64bit.

Personalmente dubito che ciò ti risolverà il problema con google. Quando googleearth va lento, in genere il problema è di connessione lenta, ma tentar non nuoce.

Sono cosi avanti che quando guardo indietro vedo il futuro.
Inviato: Monday, October 18, 2010 2:49:43 PM
Rank: AiutAmico

Iscritto dal : 3/9/2009
Posts: 220
Ho un computer che va a 32 bit.
Il driver che ho cercato di scaricare è:
Ho cercato di scaricarlo dal terminale, sia come utente normale, sia come root.Ma , purtroppo, non me lo scarica.
Forse il driver che sto cercando di scaricare è quello sbagliato.

La mia scheda grafica è:

description: VGA compatible controller
product: NV34 [GeForce FX 5200]
vendor: nVidia Corporation
physical id:
bus info:
version: a1
width: 32 bits
clock: 66MHz
capabilities: pm agp agp-3.0 bus_master cap_list rom
driver = nvidia
latency = 248
maxlatency = 1
mingnt = 5
irq : 16
memory : d1000000-d1ffffff
memory : f000

Quando ho visitato il sito NVIDIA ho inserito questi dati:

tipo di prodotti: geforce
serie del prodotto: geforce 5 fx series
famiglia di prodotti: geforce fx 5100
sistma. operat. linux 32 bit
lingua italiana

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