Rank: Newbie
Iscritto dal : 11/16/2024 Posts: 5
ciao non ho trovato file AppName.exe.config ma c'e un file Tables.ini con su scritto:
; ;From SgtWilson's CC5QClone.ini: ; ;---------------------------------- ; Adb file formats V1.2 For CC5 only ;---------------------------------- ; ; Col : Each data column corresponding to CC4 data value ; ; Col=<Column description>,<Column data type>,<Column data width>(for Strings only, see P option for other) ; ; <Column description> is the text displayed as the title ; ; <Column data type> is the format for the required data ; ; W - Load and progress file pointer by two bytes ; ; I - Load and progress file pointer by four bytes ; ; S - String data (requires number of characters) ; ; *Unused for this option ; ; P - Bit pattern (Requiers 8 additional headings for each bit) True or False only ; Load and progress file pointer by one byte ; ; <Column description*>,<P>,<Number of sub options>,<Sub option titles comma delimited> ; ; H - Hide x number of bytes ; ; <Column description*>,<H>,<Number of bytes to skip>,<Hidden value, used to replace hidden fields when saving columns> ; ; ; Long description ; ; Is placed as the last parameter for a column on any type, not sure about length restriction ; so best bet is not to get too carried away. Text must be enclose in double quotes ; which means you cant have any in the text. ; ; ; ; ; ; Format versions: ; ; Element v1.0 ; Weapons v1.0 ; Vehicles v1.0 ; GETeams v1.0 ; Soldiers v1.0 ; AlsTeams v1.0 ; FPools v1.0 ; BGroups v1.0 ; ; [Debug] ; ; <State> Set equal to -1 To display each column byte offset with value and name, 0 to disable. ; <Offset> Sets starting position of debug display (use in conjunction with Width) ; State=0 Offset=100 ; ; [Width] ; ; Width of each line of data, the sum of col offsets must equal corresponding width ; Elements=156 Weapons=384 Vehicles=468 GETeams=260 Soldiers=124 AlsTeams=260 FPools=424 BGroups=168 ; [FixedCol] ; ; Select col to display as a vertical reference <Col number> -1 to remove ; Elements=0 Weapons=0 Vehicles=0 GETeams=2 Soldiers=1 BGroups=1 AlsTeams=2 FPools=1
Col0="Name",S,25,1,"" Col1="Hieght?",W,3,"" Col2="Unused",H,1,0,"" Col3="Cover Prone",I,4,"Cover Prone 0 - 512 " Col4="Cover Low",I,5,"Cover Low 0 - 512 " Col5="Cover Medium",I,6,"Cover Medium 0 - 512 " Col6="Cover High",I,7,"Cover High 0 - 512 " Col7="Protection Prone",I,8,"Protection Prone ,mm of steel " Col8="Protection Low",I,9,"Protection Low ,mm of steel " Col9="Protection Med",I,10,"Protection Med ,mm of steel " Col10="Protection High",I,11,"Protection High ,mm of steel " Col11="Hindrance Prone",I,12,"Hindrance Prone 0 - 512 " Col12="Hindrance Low",I,13,"Hindrance Low 0 - 512 " Col13="Hindrance Med",I,14,"Hindrance Med 0 - 512 " Col14="Hindrance High",I,15,"Hindrance High 0 - 512 " Col15="Top Protection",I,18,"" Col16="In Elem Prot Flag",I,19,"0=no prot in elem, 1=prot in elem, 2=linear sunken, 3=linear elevated, 4=partial prot (better if behind), 5=due to elevation (must be behind and lower) " Col17="HE Effect",I,20 Col18="Soldier Move Prone",I,21,"Soldier Move Prone secs/2 meters " Col19="Soldier Move Crouch",I,22,"Soldier Move Crouch secs/2 meters " Col20="Soldier Move Standing",I,23,"Soldier Move Standing secs/2 meters " Col21="Vehical Move Pushed",I,24,"Vehical Move Pushed secs/2 meters " Col22="Vehical Move Truck",I,25,"Vehical Move Truck secs/2 meters " Col23="Vehical Move Arm Car",I,26,"Vehical Move Arm Car secs/2 meters " Col24="Vehical Move Halftrack",I,27,"Vehical Move Halftrack secs/2 meters " Col25="Vehical Move Tracked",I,28,"Vehical Move Tracked secs/2 meters " Col26="Bog Chance Out of 128",I,29,"Bog Chance Out of 128 " Col27="Immobilize Chance Out of 128",I,30,"Immobilize Chance Out of 128 " Col28="Element Options",P,8,"16,17,31,32,33,34,35,36","Block Height","Block All","Wall","Building","Sunken","Crushable","Covered","Bridge","Element options must be either True or False." Col29="Terrain Options",P,8,"37,38,39,40,0,0,0,0","Snow","Interior","Road","Minefield","New Trench","New Weapon Pit","Can Digin","Trench","Terrain options must be either True or False." Col30="Weapon Pit?",W,2,"The only element with this value is Weapon Pit may be incorrect column " Col31="How Flammable",I,41 Col32="Explode",I,42,"0=None, 1=Crater, 2=Splash, 3=Wood, 4=Stone, 5=Brick, 6=pavement " Col33="Level",W,43,"A next element number in a series " Col34="Unknown",H,2,0 Col35="Rubble To",W,44,"A next element number in a series " Col36="Crush To",W,45,"A next element number in a series " Col37="Burn To",W,46,"A next element number in a series " Col38="Unknown",H,2,0 Col39="Tree Type",W,47 Col40="Tree Flag",W,0
Col0="Name",S,20,1 Col1="Index",I,3 Col2="Icon",I,4 Col3="Fire Animate",I,5," -1 = No Anim 0 = Rifle 1 = Machine Gun 2 = Bazooka 3 = Mortar " Col4="Type"I,6," 0 = Close Combat 1 = Rifle 2 = Semiauto 3 = Sub-machine gun 4 = Anti-Tank 5 = Flame Thrower 6 = DemoCharge 7 = MG 8 = Mortar 9 = Large Gun 10 = Grenade 11 = Pistol 12 = Smk Mtr 13 = Light MG 14 = Incendiary " Col5="Primary Target",I,7," 0 = Infantry 1 = Vehicle 2 = Terrain " Col6="Valid Target",I,8," 1 = Infantry 2 = Vehicle 3 = Inf & Veh 4 = Terrain 5 = Inf & Ter 6 = Veh & Ter 7 = Inf,Veh&Ter " Col7="Reload Time Chamber 1/10 s",I,9," In 1/10 secs " Col8="Reload Time Clip 1/10 s",I,10," In 1/10 secs " Col9="Time to Fire 1/10 s",I,11," In 1/10 secs " Col10="Setup Time 1/10 secs",I,12," In 1/10 secs " Col11="Rounds Per Clip",W,13,"" Col12="Rounds In One Burst",W,14,"" Col13="Weapon Weight",W,15," In Pounds " Col14="Clip Weight",W,16," In Pounds " Col15="Cool Rate",I,17," In 1/10 secs ? " Col16="Heat Rate",I,18," In 1/10 secs ? " Col17="No Jam Or Break Quality",I,19,"" Col18="Fire Options",P,8,"20,21,22,23,24,25,26,0","Assault Fire","Bayonette","Back Blast","White Phosphor","Rifle Grenades","Demmo Charge","Cannister","Unknown",20 Col19="Unused",H,1,0,0,"" Col20="Unused",H,2,0,0,"" Col21="Blast Size AP",I,27," -1 = No Blast 0 = Very Small 1 = Small 2 = Medium 3 = Large 4 = Very Large 5 = Humongous " Col22="Blast Size HE",I,28," -1 = No Blast 0 = Very Small 1 = Small 2 = Medium 3 = Large 4 = Very Large 5 = Humongous " Col23="Blast Size Heat",I,29," -1 = No Blast 0 = Very Small 1 = Small 2 = Medium 3 = Large 4 = Very Large 5 = Humongous " Col24="Blast Size Smoke",I,30," -1 = No Blast 0 = Very Small 1 = Small 2 = Medium 3 = Large 4 = Very Large 5 = Humongous " Col25="Blast Size Spec",I,31," -1 = No Blast 0 = Very Small 1 = Small 2 = Medium 3 = Large 4 = Very Large 5 = Humongous " Col26="Blast Radius AP",W,32," in meters " Col27="Blast Radius HE",W,33," in meters " Col28="Blast Radius Heat",W,34," in meters " Col29="Blast Radius Smoke",W,35," in meters " Col30="Blast Radius Spec",W,36," in meters " Col31="Min Range AP",W,37," in meters " Col32="Min Range HE",W,38," in meters " Col33="Min Range Heat",W,39," in meters " Col34="Min Range Smoke",W,40," in meters " Col35="Min Range Spec",W,41," in meters " Col36="Fire Direction AP",I,42," -1 = Can't Fire 0 = Direct 1 = Indirect " Col37="Fire Direction HE",I,43," -1 = Can't Fire 0 = Direct 1 = Indirect " Col38="Fire Direction Heat",I,44," -1 = Can't Fire 0 = Direct 1 = Indirect " Col39="Fire Direction Smoke",I,45," -1 = Can't Fire 0 = Direct 1 = Indirect " Col40="Fire Direction Spec",I,46," -1 = Can't Fire 0 = Direct 1 = Indirect " Col41="Base Accuracy AP",I,47," 0-511 bell curve " Col42="Base Accuracy HE",I,48," 0-511 bell curve " Col43="Base Accuracy Heat",I,49," 0-511 bell curve " Col44="Base Accuracy Smoke",I,50," 0-511 bell curve " Col45="Base Accuracy Spec",I,51," 0-511 bell curve " Col46="Range PB AP",W,52," in meters " Col47="Range PB HE",W,53," in meters " Col48="Range PB Heat",W,54," in meters " Col49="Range PB Smoke",W,55," in meters " Col50="Range PB Spec",W,56," in meters " Col51="Range Close AP",W,57," in meters " Col52="Range Close HE",W,58," in meters " Col53="Range Close Heat",W,59," in meters " Col54="Range Close Smoke",W,60," in meters " Col55="Range Close Spec",W,61," in meters " Col56="Range Med AP",W,62," in meters " Col57="Range Med HE",W,63," in meters " Col58="Range Med Heat",W,64," in meters " Col59="Range Med Smoke",W,65," in meters " Col60="Range Med Spec",W,66," in meters " Col61="Range Long AP",W,67," in meters " Col62="Range Long HE",W,68," in meters " Col63="Range Long Heat",W,69," in meters " Col64="Range Long Smoke",W,70," in meters " Col65="Range Long Spec",W,71," in meters " Col66="Kill Raiting PB AP",I,72," Measured in mm of steel penetratable " Col67="Kill Raiting PB HE",I,73," Measured in mm of steel penetratable " Col68="Kill Raiting PB Heat",I,74," Measured in mm of steel penetratable " Col69="Kill Raiting PB Smoke",I,75," Measured in mm of steel penetratable " Col70="Kill Raiting PB Spec",I,76," Measured in mm of steel penetratable " Col71="Kill Raiting Close AP",I,77," Measured in mm of steel penetratable " Col72="Kill Raiting Close HE",I,78," Measured in mm of steel penetratable " Col73="Kill Raiting Close Heat",I,79," Measured in mm of steel penetratable " Col74="Kill Raiting Close Smoke",I,80," Measured in mm of steel penetratable " Col75="Kill Raiting Close Spec",I,81," Measured in mm of steel penetratable " Col76="Kill Raiting Med AP",I,82," Measured in mm of steel penetratable " Col77="Kill Raiting Med HE",I,83," Measured in mm of steel penetratable " Col78="Kill Raiting Med Heat",I,84," Measured in mm of steel penetratable " Col79="Kill Raiting Med Smoke",I,85," Measured in mm of steel penetratable " Col80="Kill Raiting Med Spec",I,86," Measured in mm of steel penetratable " Col81="Kill Raiting Long AP",I,87," Measured in mm of steel penetratable " Col82="Kill Raiting Long HE",I,88," Measured in mm of steel penetratable " Col83="Kill Raiting Long Heat",I,89," Measured in mm of steel penetratable " Col84="Kill Raiting Long Smoke",I,90," Measured in mm of steel penetratable " Col85="Kill Raiting Long Spec",I,91," Measured in mm of steel penetratable " Col86="Blast Raiting PB AP",I,92," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 " Col87="Blast Raiting PB HE",I,93," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 " Col88="Blast Raiting PB Heat",I,94," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 " Col89="Blast Raiting PB Smoke",I,95," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 " Col90="Blast Raiting PB Spec",I,96," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 " Col91="Blast Raiting Close AP",I,97," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 " Col92="Blast Raiting Close HE",I,98," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 " Col93="Blast Raiting Close Heat",I,99," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 " Col94="Blast Raiting Close Smoke",I,100," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 " Col95="Blast Raiting Close Spec",I,101," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 " Col96="Blast Raiting Med AP",I,102," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 " Col97="Blast Raiting Med HE",I,103," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 " Col98="Blast Raiting Med Heat",I,104," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 " Col99="Blast Raiting Med Smoke",I,105," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 " Col100="Blast Raiting Med Spec",I,106," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 " Col101="Blast Raiting Long AP",I,107," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 " Col102="Blast Raiting Long HE",I,108," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 " Col103="Blast Raiting Long Heat",I,109," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 " Col104="Blast Raiting Long Smoke",I,110," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 " Col105="Blast Raiting Long Spec",I,111," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 " Col106="Weapon Sound",I,112,"Sample used by the weapon " Col107="How Mounted",I,113," 0 = Main 1 = Bow 2 = Coax 3 = AA 4 = Rear Crew value is variable " Col108="Unknown Byte",B,0,"" Col109="Unknown Byte",B,0,"" Col110="Unknown Byte",B,0,"" Col111="Unknown Byte",B,0,"" Col112="Unknown Byte",B,0,"" Col113="Unknown Byte",B,0,"" Col114="Unknown",W,2,"" Col115="Unknown",W,0,"" Col116="Unknown",W,0,""
Col0="Name",S,25,1,"Default in game team description " Col1="Type Name",S,25,2,"Additional team description " Col2="Full Name",S,50,3,"Additional team description " Col3="Class",W,5,"Class refers to the field Team Class found in FPools.adb " Col4="Nation?",W,4,"Germans=5 ,American=0 " Col5="Type",W,6,"0 = Command Infantry 1 = Cmnd Halftrack 2 = Vehicle Cmnd Tank 3 = Crew 4 = Sniper 5 = Anti-Tank Infantry 6 = Recon 7 = Rifle 8 = Heavy Rifle 9 = Assault Infantry 10 = Engineer 11 = Machine Gun 12 = Mortar 13 = Gun Light Infantry 14 = Gun Medium Infantry 15 = Gun Heavy Infantry 16 = Gun Light Flak 17 = Gun Medium Flak 18 = Gun Heavy Flak 19 = Gun Light AT 20 = Gun Medium AT 21 = Gun Heavy AT 22 = Vehicle Truck 23 = Vehicle Halftrack 24 = Vehicle Recon 25 = Vehicle Flak 26 = Vehicle Lt Assault Gun 27 = Vehicle Md Assault Gun 28 = Vehicle Hvy Assault Gun 29 = Vehicle Jmb Assault Gun 30 = Vehicle Lt Tank Dest 31 = Vehicle Md T Dest 32 = Vehicle Hvy Tank Dest 33 = Vehicle Lt Tank 34 = Vehicle Md Tank 35 = Vehicle Hvy Tank 36 = Vehicle Jmb Tank " Col6="Unknown",H,2,0,0,"" Col7="Value?",W,7,"Only values entered for German Teams? " Col8="Experience",B,8,"0 = None 1 = Green 2 = Average 3 = Experienced 4 = Veteran 5 = Elite "" Col9="Morale",B,9,"0 = None 1 = Low 2 = Average 3 = High 4 = Very High 5 = Fanatic " Col10="Icon Style?",I,10,"This is the paint scheme you see during gameplay " Col11="Icon Name?",W,11,"This is the little icon you see on the requisition screen " Col12="Name Graphic (CC3)",W,12,"Suspect this as another req screen icon but ? " Col13="Winter (CC3)",W,13,"Winter Equipped 0 = False 1 = True ? " Col14="Unused",H,2,0,0 = " " Col15="Requisition Type",W,14,"0 = Command 1 = Infantry 2 = Armor 3 = Support " Col16="Unknown",H,2,0,0,"" Col17="SAI Unit",B,15,"0 = Sniper 1 = Rifle 2 = Recon 3 = Assault 4 = Antitank 5 = Flame 6 = MG 7 = Mortar 8 = Vehicle 9 = Armored Car 10 = Halftrack 11 = Light Tank 12 = Medium Tank 13 = Heavy Tank 14 = Light Gun 15 = Medium Gun 16 = Heavy Gun 17 = Command Infantry 18 = Command Halftrack 19 = Command Tank " Col18="Soldier List 0",B,16,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb " Col19="Soldier List 1",B,17,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb " Col20="Soldier List 2",B,18,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb " Col21="Soldier List 3",B,19,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb " Col22="Soldier List 4",B,20,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb " Col23="Soldier List 5",B,21,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb " Col24="Soldier List 6",B,22,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb " Col25="Soldier List 7",B,23,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb " Col26="Soldier List 8",B,24,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb " Col27="Soldier List 9",B,25,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb " Col28="Unused",H,1,0,0,"" Col29="Soldier Type 0",I,26,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader " Col30="Soldier Type 1",I,27,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader " Col31="Soldier Type 2",I,28,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader " Col32="Soldier Type 3",I,29,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader " Col33="Soldier Type 4",I,30,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader " Col34="Soldier Type 5",I,31,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader " Col35="Soldier Type 6",I,32,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader " Col36="Soldier Type 7",I,33,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader " Col37="Soldier Type 8",I,34,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader " Col38="Soldier Type 9",I,35,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader " Col39="Team Size?",W,0,"Must equal the number of soldiers (1-10) as defined by list and type "" Col40="Vehicle Class",B,36,"Vehicle index From vehicles.adb " Col41="Unused",H,1,0,0,"" Col42="Unknown0",I,37,"" Col43="Unknown1",I,38,"" Col44="Unknown2",I,39,"" Col45="Unknown3",I,40,"" Col46="Unknown4",I,41,"" Col47="Unknown5",I,42,"" Col48="Unknown6",I,43,"" Col49="Unknown7",I,44,"" Col50="Unknown8",I,45,"" Col51="Unknown9",I,46,"" Col52="Unknown0",I,47,"" Col53="Unknown1",I,48,"" Col54="Unknown2",I,49,"" Col55="Unknown3",I,50,"" Col56="Unknown4",I,51,"" Col57="Unknown5",I,52,"" Col58="Unknown6",W,53,"" Col59="Unknown6",W,54,"" Col60="Unknown7",W,55,"" Col61="Clears Mines",W,57,"0 = No, 1 = Yes" Col62="Unknown Options",P,8,"0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown? Col63="Unknown9",B,56,"" Col64="Unused",H,2,0,0,""
Col0="Name",S,25,1,"Default in game team description " Col1="Type Name",S,25,2,"Additional team description " Col2="Full Name",S,50,3,"Additional team description " Col3="Class",W,5,"Class refers to the field Team Class found in FPools.adb " Col4="Nation?",W,4,"Germans=5 ,American=0 " Col5="Type",W,6,"0 = Command Infantry 1 = Cmnd Halftrack 2 = Vehicle Cmnd Tank 3 = Crew 4 = Sniper 5 = Anti-Tank Infantry 6 = Recon 7 = Rifle 8 = Heavy Rifle 9 = Assault Infantry 10 = Engineer 11 = Machine Gun 12 = Mortar 13 = Gun Light Infantry 14 = Gun Medium Infantry 15 = Gun Heavy Infantry 16 = Gun Light Flak 17 = Gun Medium Flak 18 = Gun Heavy Flak 19 = Gun Light AT 20 = Gun Medium AT 21 = Gun Heavy AT 22 = Vehicle Truck 23 = Vehicle Halftrack 24 = Vehicle Recon 25 = Vehicle Flak 26 = Vehicle Lt Assault Gun 27 = Vehicle Md Assault Gun 28 = Vehicle Hvy Assault Gun 29 = Vehicle Jmb Assault Gun 30 = Vehicle Lt Tank Dest 31 = Vehicle Md T Dest 32 = Vehicle Hvy Tank Dest 33 = Vehicle Lt Tank 34 = Vehicle Md Tank 35 = Vehicle Hvy Tank 36 = Vehicle Jmb Tank " Col6="Unknown",H,2,0,0,"" Col7="Value?",W,7,"Only values entered for German Teams? " Col8="Experience",B,8,"0 = None 1 = Green 2 = Average 3 = Experienced 4 = Veteran 5 = Elite "" Col9="Morale",B,9,"0 = None 1 = Low 2 = Average 3 = High 4 = Very High 5 = Fanatic " Col10="Icon Style?",I,10,"This is the paint scheme you see during gameplay " Col11="Icon Name?",W,11,"This is the little icon you see on the requisition screen " Col12="Name Graphic (CC3)",W,12,"Suspect this as another req screen icon but ? " Col13="Winter (CC3)",W,13,"Winter Equipped 0 = False 1 = True ? " Col14="Unused",H,2,0,0,"" Col15="Requisition Type",W,14,"0 = Command 1 = Infantry 2 = Armor 3 = Support " Col16="Unknown",H,2,0,0,"" Col17="SAI Unit",B,15,"0 = Sniper 1 = Rifle 2 = Recon 3 = Assault 4 = Antitank 5 = Flame 6 = MG 7 = Mortar 8 = Vehicle 9 = Armored Car 10 = Halftrack 11 = Light Tank 12 = Medium Tank 13 = Heavy Tank 14 = Light Gun 15 = Medium Gun 16 = Heavy Gun 17 = Command Infantry 18 = Command Halftrack 19 = Command Tank " Col18="Soldier List 0",B,16,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb " Col19="Soldier List 1",B,17,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb " Col20="Soldier List 2",B,18,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb " Col21="Soldier List 3",B,19,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb " Col22="Soldier List 4",B,20,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb " Col23="Soldier List 5",B,21,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb " Col24="Soldier List 6",B,22,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb " Col25="Soldier List 7",B,23,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb " Col26="Soldier List 8",B,24,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb " Col27="Soldier List 9",B,25,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb " Col28="Unused",H,1,0,0,"" Col29="Soldier Type 0",I,26,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader " Col30="Soldier Type 1",I,27,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader " Col31="Soldier Type 2",I,28,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader " Col32="Soldier Type 3",I,29,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader " Col33="Soldier Type 4",I,30,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader " Col34="Soldier Type 5",I,31,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader " Col35="Soldier Type 6",I,32,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader " Col36="Soldier Type 7",I,33,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader " Col37="Soldier Type 8",I,34,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader " Col38="Soldier Type 9",I,35,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader " Col39="Team Size?",W,0,"Must equal the number of soldiers (1-10) as defined by list and type "" Col40="Vehicle Class",B,36,"Vehicle index From vehicles.adb " Col41="Unused",H,1,0,0,"" Col42="Unknown0",I,37,"" Col43="Unknown1",I,38,"" Col44="Unknown2",I,39,"" Col45="Unknown3",I,40,"" Col46="Unknown4",I,41,"" Col47="Unknown5",I,42,"" Col48="Unknown6",I,43,"" Col49="Unknown7",I,44,"" Col50="Unknown8",I,45,"" Col51="Unknown9",I,46,"" Col52="Unknown0",I,47,"" Col53="Unknown1",I,48,"" Col54="Unknown2",I,49,"" Col55="Unknown3",I,50,"" Col56="Unknown4",I,51,"" Col57="Unknown5",I,52,"" Col58="Unknown6",W,53,"" Col59="Unknown6",W,54,"" Col60="Unknown7",W,55,"" Col61="Clears Mines",W,57," 0 = No, 1 = Yes " Col62="Unknown Options",P,8,"0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown? Col63="Unknown9",B,56,"" Col64="Unused",H,2,0,0,""
Col0="Name",S,32,1 Col1="Type",I,6,"1=Afv,2=Halftrack,3 Armoured car,4=Gun,5=Truck,6=Aircraft " Col2="Nation",B,2 Col3="Vehicle",B,3 Col4="Hull Graphics",S,14,4,"Refrers to vehicle graphics in tanks.azp and Guns.azp " Col5="Turret Graphics",S,14,5,"Refrers to vehicle graphics in tanks.azp and Guns.azp " Col6="Wreck Graphics",S,14,0,"Refrers to vehicle graphics in shadows.azp (Note: You must have a shadow file for every land vehicle hull file) " Col7="Hull Gun 1 Type",I,7,"Hull Gun Refers to the field 'Index' found in the Weapons form " Col8="Hull Gun 2 Type",I,8,"Hull Gun Refers to the field 'Index' found in the Weapons form " Col9="Hull Gun 3 Type",I,9,"Hull Gun Refers to the field 'Index' found in the Weapons form " Col10="Unknown",H,0,0,0,"" Col11="Hull Gun 1 Ammo AP",W,16,"Number of clips " Col12="Hull Gun 1 Ammo HE",W,17,"Number of clips " Col13="Hull Gun 1 Ammo Heat",W,18,"Number of clips " Col14="Hull Gun 1 Ammo Smoke",W,19,"Number of clips " Col15="Hull Gun 1 Ammo Spec",W,20,"Number of clips " Col16="Hull Gun 2 Ammo AP",W,21,"Number of clips " Col17="Hull Gun 2 Ammo HE",W,22,"Number of clips " Col18="Hull Gun 2 Ammo Heat",W,23,"Number of clips " Col19="Hull Gun 2 Ammo Smoke",W,24,"Number of clips " Col20="Hull Gun 2 Ammo Spec",W,25,"Number of clips " Col21="Hull Gun 3 Ammo AP",W,26,"Number of clips " Col22="Hull Gun 3 Ammo HE",W,27,"Number of clips " Col23="Hull Gun 3 Ammo Heat",W,28,"Number of clips " Col24="Hull Gun 3 Ammo Smoke",W,29,"Number of clips " Col25="Hull Gun 3 Ammo Spec",W,30,"Number of clips " Col26="Hull Gun 1 Exposed To Fire",B,10,"Exposed to Fire 0 = False 1 = True " Col27="Hull Gun 2 Exposed To Fire",B,11,"Exposed to Fire 0 = False 1 = True " Col28="Hull Gun 3 Exposed To Fire",B,12,"Exposed to Fire 0 = False 1 = True " Col29="Hull Gun 1 Fire Angle",B,13,"Cannot Fire=0,Front=1,Front Arc=131,Front and Sides=197,All But Rear=231,360 Degrees=255,All but Front=254,Rear and sides=124 " Col30="Hull Gun 2 Fire Angle",B,14,"Cannot Fire=0,Front=1,Front Arc=131,Front and Sides=197,All But Rear=231,360 Degrees=255,All but Front=254,Rear and sides=124 " Col31="Hull Gun 3 Fire Angle",B,15,"Cannot Fire=0,Front=1,Front Arc=131,Front and Sides=197,All But Rear=231,360 Degrees=255,All but Front=254,Rear and sides=124 " Col32="Hull Armour Front Low",I,31,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col33="Hull Armour Front Med",I,32,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col34="Hull Armour Front High",I,33,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col35="Hull Armour Front Side Low",I,34,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col36="Hull Armour Front Side Med",I,35,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col37="Hull Armour Front Side High",I,36,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col38="Hull Armour Side Low",I,37,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col39="Hull Armour Side Med",I,38,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col40="Hull Armour Side High",I,39,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col41="Hull Armour Side Rear Low",I,40,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col42="Hull Armour Side Rear Med",I,41,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col43="Hull Armour Side Rear High",I,42,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col44="Hull Armour Rear Low",I,43,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col45="Hull Armour Rear Med",I,44,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col46="Hull Armour Rear High",I,45,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col47="Hull Armour Top Low",I,46,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col48="Hull Armour Top Med",I,47,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col49="Hull Armour Top High",I,48,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col50="Hull Armour Bottom Low",I,49,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col51="Hull Armour Bottom Med",I,50,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col52="Hull Armour Bottom High",I,51,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col53="Hull Crew Cover Front",I,52,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col54="Hull Crew Cover Front Side",I,53,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col55="Hull Crew Cover Side",I,54,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col56="Hull Crew Cover Side Rear",I,55,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col57="Hull Crew Cover Rear",I,56,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col58="Hull Crew Cover Top",I,57,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col59="Hull Crew Cover Bottom",I,58,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col60="Hull Rotation",I,59,"Time to travers 1.16 of 360o in 1/10 secs " Col61="Hull Mount Type",I,60,"Hull Mount=0,Fixed=1,Rotating=2 " Col62="Turr Gun 1",I,61,"Weapons index from weapons.adb " Col63="Turr Gun 2",I,62,"Weapons index from weapons.adb " Col64="Turr Gun 3",I,63,"Weapons index from weapons.adb " Col65="Unknown",H,0,0,0,"" Col66="Turr Gun 1 Ammo AP",W,70,"Number of clips " Col67="Turr Gun 1 Ammo HE",W,71,"Number of clips " Col68="Turr Gun 1 Ammo Heat",W,72,"Number of clips " Col69="Turr Gun 1 Ammo Smoke",W,73,"Number of clips " Col70="Turr Gun 1 Ammo Spec",W,74,"Number of clips " Col71="Turr Gun 2 Ammo AP",W,75,"Number of clips " Col72="Turr Gun 2 Ammo HE",W,76,"Number of clips " Col73="Turr Gun 2 Ammo Heat",W,77,"Number of clips " Col74="Turr Gun 2 Ammo Smoke",W,78,"Number of clips " Col75="Turr Gun 2 Ammo Spec",W,79,"Number of clips " Col76="Turr Gun 3 Ammo AP",W,80,"Number of clips " Col77="Turr Gun 3 Ammo HE",W,81,"Number of clips " Col78="Turr Gun 3 Ammo Heat",W,82,"Number of clips " Col79="Turr Gun 3 Ammo Smoke",W,83,"Number of clips " Col80="Turr Gun 3 Ammo Spec",W,84,"Number of clips " Col81="Turr Gun 1 Exposed To Fire",B,64,"Exposed to Fire 0 = False 1 = True " Col82="Turr Gun 2 Exposed To Fire",B,65,"Exposed to Fire 0 = False 1 = True " Col83="Turr Gun 3 Exposed To Fire",B,66,"Exposed to Fire 0 = False 1 = True " Col84="Turr Gun 1 Fire Angle",B,67,"Fire Angle Cannot Fire = 0 Front = 1 Front Arc = 131 Front and Sides = 197 All But Rear = 231 360 Degrees = 255 All but Front = 254 Rear and sides = 124 Rotating Turrets=0 Fixed Turrets=Preceeding Values " Col85="Turr Gun 2 Fire Angle",B,68,"Fire Angle Cannot Fire = 0 Front = 1 Front Arc = 131 Front and Sides = 197 All But Rear = 231 360 Degrees = 255 All but Front = 254 Rear and sides = 124 Rotating Turrets=0 Fixed Turrets=Preceeding Values " Col86="Turr Gun 3 Fire Angle",B,69,"Fire Angle Cannot Fire = 0 Front = 1 Front Arc = 131 Front and Sides = 197 All But Rear = 231 360 Degrees = 255 All but Front = 254 Rear and sides = 124 Rotating Turrets=0 Fixed Turrets=Preceeding Values " Col87="Turret Armour Front Low",I,85,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col88="Turret Armour Front Med",I,86,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col89="Turret Armour Front High",I,87,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col90="Turret Armour Front Side Low",I,88,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col91="Turret Armour Front Side Med",I,89,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col92="Turret Armour Front Side High",I,90,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col93="Turret Armour Side Low",I,91,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col94="Turret Armour Side Med",I,92,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col95="Turret Armour Side High",I,93,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col96="Turret Armour Side Rear Low",I,94,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col97="Turret Armour Side Rear Med",I,95,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col98="Turret Armour Side Rear High",I,96,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col99="Turret Armour Rear Low",I,97,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col100="Turret Armour Rear Med",I,98,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col101="Turret Armour Rear High",I,99,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col102="Turret Armour Top Low",I,100,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col103="Turret Armour Top Med",I,101,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col104="Turret Armour Top High",I,102,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col105="Turret Armour Bottom Low",I,103,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col106="Turret Armour Bottom Med",I,104,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col107="Turret Armour Bottom High",I,105,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col108="Turret Crew Cover Front ",I,106,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col109="Turret Crew Cover Front Side",I,107,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col110="Turret Crew Cover Side",I,108,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col111="Turret Crew Cover Side Rear",I,109,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col112="Turret Crew Cover Rear",I,110,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col113="Turret Crew Cover Top",I,111,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col114="Turret Crew Cover Bottom",I,112,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col115="Turret Rotation Rate",I,113,"Time to traverse 1/16 of 360o in 1/10 secs " Col116="Turret Mount Type",I,114,"1 = Gun Turret 2 = Vehicle Turret " Col117="Chance To Hit Hull",I,115,"% 0f 128 (64=50%) " Col118="Chance To Hit Turret",I,116,"% 0f 128 (64=50%) " Col119="Turret Type Mount",W,117,"1 = Gun Turret 2 = Vehicle Turret " Col120="Acceleration",W,118,"In 2m / 10 s2 " Col121="Max Speed",W,119,"In 2m / 10 s2 " Col122="Move Type",W,120,"0 = Pushed 1 = Truck 2 = Armored Car 3 = HalfTrack 4 = Tracked " Col123="Vehicular Size",I,121,"Sqrt (W x L x H) * 2 in meters " Col124="Element Radius",I,122,"Number of elements covered by vehicle size " Col125="Integrity",I,123,"1 - 512 Where 1 = a can of gas and 512 = a block of steel " Col126="Number Of Crew",I,124,"Has to equal the number of soldier columns and type of soldier columns in the Teams.adb tables " Col127="Best Kill",I,125,"" Col128="Best Mount",B,126,"0 = Hull 1 = Turret " Col129="Best Gun",B,127 Col130="Has Gyro",B,128,"0 = False 1 = True " Col131="Has Shurzen",B,129,"0 = False 1 = True " Col132="Gun Rotates On Base",I,130,"0 = False 1 = True " Col133="Ground Pressure",I,131,"1 = Very Light 2 = Light 3 = Normal 4 = Heavy 5 = Very Heavy " Col134="Booleans ?",P,8,"0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0","Boolean?","Boolean?","Boolean?","Boolean?","Boolean?","Boolean?","Boolean?","Boolean?","Element options must be either True or False." Col135="Unknown",B,0 Col136="Unknown",H,1,0 Col137="Unknown",H,1,0
Col0="Index",B,3,"Index refers to the fields 'Soldier Lists' found in the Teams form " Col1="Name",S,23,1,"Soldier description " Col2="Col2",H,2,0 Col3="Col3",H,2,0 Col4="Helmet Armor",W,4,"In mm of penetrable steel " Col5="Col5",H,2,0 Col6="Col6",H,2,0 Col7="Col8",H,2,0 Col8="Chance for Head",W,6,"Chance out of 128 (64 = 50%) " Col9="Col10",H,2,0 Col10="Chance for Body",W,7,"Chance out of 128 (64 = 50%) " Col11="Col12",H,2,0 Col12="Weight",I,8,"Does not include ammo or weapon " Col13="Crewed Weapon",I,9,"This is the weapon weapon number from the weapons table if the weapon is a personal weapon and not a crewed weapon " Col14="Primary Weapon",I,15,"-1 is a crew type soldier, otherwise it is the personal weapon from weapons.adb " Col15="Secondary Weapon",I,21,"backup weapon for regular soldiers and crew soldiers from weapons.txt " Col16="Grenade Weapon",I,27,"# of grenades being carried columns Grenade AP to Grenade Special, distinguish the individual types of grenades and those values have to add up to the value in this column " Col17="Col16",H,4,0 Col18="Crewed AP",W,10,"Appear unused as crew weapons are handled in vehicles.txt " Col19="Crewed HE",W,11,"Appear unused as crew weapons are handled in vehicles.txt " Col20="Crewed HEAT",W,12,"Appear unused as crew weapons are handled in vehicles.txt " Col21="Crewed Smoke",W,13,"Appear unused as crew weapons are handled in vehicles.txt " Col22="Crewed Special",W,14,"Appear unused as crew weapons are handled in vehicles.txt " Col23="Primary AP",W,16,"Number of clips " Col24="Primary HE",W,17,"Number of clips " Col25="Primary HEAT",W,18,"Number of clips " Col26="Primary Smoke",W,19,"Number of clips " Col27="Primary Special",W,20,"Number of clips " Col28="Secondary AP",W,22,"Number of clips " Col29="Secondary HE",W,23,"Number of clips " Col30="Secondary HEAT",W,24,"Number of clips " Col31="Secondary Smoke",W,25,"Number of clips " Col32="Secondary Special",W,26,"Number of clips " Col33="Grenade AP",W,28,"Number of Grenades " Col34="Grenade HE",W,29,"Number of Grenades " Col35="Grenade HEAT",W,30,"Number of Grenades " Col36="Grenade Smoke",W,31,"Number of Grenades " Col37="Grenade Special",W,32,"Number of Grenades " Col38="Col37",H,2,0 Col39="Col38",H,2,0 Col40="Col39",H,2,0 Col41="Col40",H,2,0 Col42="Col41",H,2,0 Col43="Unknown1",W,2 Col44="Unknown2",W,5 Col45="Col44",H,2,0
Col0="Class",I Col1="Name",S,50 Col2="Hidden",H,1,0 Col3="Nationality",B,"0=American, 1=German " Col4="Date",I,"0=December the 16th up to 15=December the 31st " Col5="Difficulty",I,"0=Hero, 1=Hero/Veteran, 2=Veteran, 3=Veteran/Recruit, 4=Recruit " Col6="Team Class 1",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Index' found in the Teams form " Col7="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col8="Quantity 1",I Col9="Team Class 2",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col10="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col11="Quantity 2",I Col12="Team Class 3",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col13="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col14="Quantity 3",I Col15="Team Class 4",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col16="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col17="Quantity 4",I Col18="Team Class 5",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col19="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col20="Quantity 5",I Col21="Team Class 6",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col22="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col23="Quantity 6",I Col24="Team Class 7",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col25="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col26="Quantity 7",I Col27="Team Class 8",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col28="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col29="Quantity 8",I Col30="Team Class 9",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col31="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col32="Quantity 9",I Col33="Team Class 10",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col34="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col35="Quantity 10",I Col36="Team Class 11",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col37="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col38="Quantity 11",I Col39="Team Class 12",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col40="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col41="Quantity 12",I Col42="Team Class 13",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col43="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col44="Quantity 13",I Col45="Team Class 14",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col46="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col47="Quantity 14",I Col48="Team Class 15",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col49="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col50="Quantity 15",I Col51="Team Class 16",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col52="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col53="Quantity 16",I Col54="Team Class 17",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col55="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col56="Quantity 17",I Col57="Team Class 18",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col58="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col59="Quantity 18",I Col60="Team Class 19",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col61="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col62="Quantity 19",I Col63="Team Class 20",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col64="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col65="Quantity 20",I Col66="Team Class 21",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col67="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col68="Quantity 21",I Col69="Team Class 22",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col70="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col71="Quantity 22",I Col72="Team Class 23",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col73="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col74="Quantity 23",I Col75="Team Class 24",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col76="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col77="Quantity 24",I Col78="Team Class 25",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col79="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col80="Quantity 25",I Col81="Team Class 26",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col82="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col83="Quantity 26",I Col84="Team Class 27",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col85="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col86="Quantity 27",I Col87="Team Class 28",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col88="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col89="Quantity 28",I Col90="Team Class 29",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col91="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col92="Quantity 29",I Col93="Team Class 30",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col94="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col95="Quantity 30",I Col96="Team Class 31",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col97="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col98="Quantity 31",I Col99="Team Class 32",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col100="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col101="Quantity 32",I Col102="Team Class 33",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col103="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col104="Quantity 33",I Col105="Team Class 34",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col106="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col107="Quantity 34",I Col108="Team Class 35",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col109="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col110="Quantity 35",I Col111="Team Class 36",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col112="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col113="Quantity 36",I Col114="Team Class 37",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col115="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col116="Quantity 37",I Col117="Team Class 38",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col118="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col119="Quantity 38",I Col120="Team Class 39",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col121="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col122="Quantity 39",I Col123="Team Class 40",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col124="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col125="Quantity 40",I Col126="Team Class 41",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col127="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col128="Quantity 41",I Col129="Team Class 42",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col130="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col131="Quantity 42",I Col132="Team Class 43",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col133="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col134="Quantity 43",I Col135="Team Class 44",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col136="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col137="Quantity 44",I Col138="Team Class 45",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form " Col139="Hidden",H,2,-51 Col140="Quantity 45",I
Col0="Index",I,"Index field, used as a reference for data files " Col1="Name",S,50 Col2="Hidden",H,1,0,0 Col3="Hidden",H,1,-51,0 Col4="Type",I,"0=Infantry, 1=Recon, 2=Armor, 3=Mech, 4=Airborne, 5=Engineer " Col5="Nationality",B,"0=American, 1=German " Col6="Hidden",H,3,-51,0 Col7="Speed",I,"0=Very Slow, 1=Slow, 2=Medium, 3=Fast, 4=Very Fast " Col8="Team 1 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form " Col9="Team 2 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form " Col10="Team 3 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form " Col11="Team 4 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form " Col12="Team 5 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form " Col13="Team 6 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form " Col14="Team 7 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form " Col15="Team 8 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form " Col16="Team 9 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form " Col17="Team 10 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form " Col18="Team 11 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form " Col19="Team 12 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form " Col20="Team 13 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form " Col21="Team 14 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form " Col22="Team 15 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form " Col23="Rank/Name",S,26,"Battle group commander's rank and name " Col24="Charisma",B,"-5 takes morale away from troops, +5 gives morale to troops " Col25="Caution",B,"-5 makes BG commander hold no reserves, +5 makes BG Commander hold lots of reserves " Col26="Aggression",B,"-5 makes BG commander timid in battle plans, +5 makes for aggressive battle plans " Col27="Tactics",B,"-5 means BG commander does not use full tactical plans, +5 means that the BG commander uses all tactical plans " Col28="Hidden",H,2,205,0 Col29="BG Icon ID",I,"Refers to uniticons.bmp in the graphics directory " Col30="Force Pool",I,"Refers to the field Index found in the Force Pool Form "
[Elements CC3] Start=14,& Stop="#" Index=2
[GETeams CC3] Start="*" Stop="*" Index=0
[ALSTeams CC3] Start="*" Stop="*" Index=0
[Weapons CC3] Start="*" Stop="*" Index=0
[Vehicles CC3] Start="*" Stop="*" Index=0
[Soldiers CC3] Start="*" Stop="*" Index=0