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problema software Opzioni
Inviato: Saturday, November 16, 2024 12:55:12 AM

Rank: Newbie

Iscritto dal : 11/16/2024
Posts: 5
Buona sera a tutti, mi chiamo Stefano scrivo dalla provincia di Lucca. Come passatempo mi diverto ad editare graficamente alcuni vecchi giochi per il pc. Necessito del funzionamento di un software che proprio non vuole partire e mi notifica questo msg:

Le informazioni su come richiamare il debug JIT (Just-In-Time) anziché questa finestra
sono riportate in fondo al messaggio.

************** Testo dell'eccezione **************
System.Exception: Failed to open file E:\SCRIVANIA-DESKTOP\ADDONS GAMESS\CC5-mod-files\CC5 Edit programs\BGEdit force pool\Temp\AlsTeams.txt
in BGEdit.CCTable.Load(String filename)
in BGEdit.MainForm.LoadFiles(String sourceDir, String ext)
in BGEdit.MainForm.HandleOpenBGroupsFPools(Object sender, EventArgs e)
in System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e)
in System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem.MenuItemData.Execute()
in System.Windows.Forms.Command.Invoke()
in System.Windows.Forms.Command.DispatchID(Int32 id)
in System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmCommand(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.WndProc(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Assembly caricati **************
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.9179 (WinRelRS6.050727-9100)
Base di codice: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll

Versione assembly:
Versione Win32:
Base di codice: file:///E:/SCRIVANIA-DESKTOP/ADDONS%20GAMESS/CC5-mod-files/CC5%20Edit%20programs/BGEdit%20force%20pool/BGEditV12.exe

Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.9149 (WinRelRS6.050727-9100)
Base di codice: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/

Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.9176 (WinRelRS6.050727-9100)
Base di codice: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/

Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.9149 (WinRelRS6.050727-9100)
Base di codice: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/

Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.9176 (WinRelRS6.050727-9100)
Base di codice: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_32/System.Data/

Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.9149 (WinRelRS6.050727-9100)
Base di codice: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/

Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.9179 (WinRelRS6.050727-9100)
Base di codice: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll

Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.9149 (WinRelRS6.050727-9100)
Base di codice: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms.resources/

************** Debug JIT **************
Per attivare il debug JIT, è necessario impostare il valore
jitDebugging nella sezione del file di configurazione
dell'applicazione o del computer (machine.config).
L'applicazione inoltre deve essere compilata con il debug

Ad esempio:

< jitDebugging="true" />

Quando il debug JIT è attivato, tutte le eccezioni non gestite
vengono inviate al debugger JIT registrato nel computer,
anziché essere gestite da questa finestra di dialogo.

Ringrazio anticipatamente coloro che riusciranno a darmi indicazioni su come farlo girare....saluti a tutti.
Inviato: Saturday, November 16, 2024 12:55:12 AM

Inviato: Tuesday, November 19, 2024 4:09:17 PM

Rank: AiutAmico

Iscritto dal : 2/15/2009
Posts: 16,008
Non sono un esperto in Visual Studio in rete ho trovato questo spero ti sia d'aiuto.
Per aprire Visual Studio come amministratore, fare clic con il pulsante destro del mouse sull'app di Visual Studio e scegliere Esegui come amministratore. Per abilitare o disabilitare il debug JIT: Nel menu Strumenti o Debug selezionare Opzioni>debug>JUST-In-Time.
P.S.Io abito vicino Pisa.
Inviato: Wednesday, November 20, 2024 1:27:10 AM

Rank: Newbie

Iscritto dal : 11/16/2024
Posts: 5
grazie per la risposta, domani mi ci metto e ti tengo aggiornato! sei stato veramente gentile! ciao, Stefano.
Inviato: Wednesday, November 20, 2024 10:11:09 AM
Rank: AiutAmico

Iscritto dal : 11/28/2022
Posts: 247
stevu88 ha scritto:
grazie per la risposta, domani mi ci metto e ti tengo aggiornato! sei stato veramente gentile! ciao, Stefano.

1. Problema del file mancante o non accessibile

L'errore si verifica quando il programma tenta di aprire il file AlsTeams.txt, ma non riesce a trovarlo o accedervi.

Controlla il percorso del file: Assicurati che il file si trovi effettivamente in questo percorso:

E:\SCRIVANIA-DESKTOP\ADDONS GAMESS\CC5-mod-files\CC5 Edit programs\BGEdit force pool\Temp\AlsTeams.txt

Verifica i permessi del file: Assicurati che il file non sia protetto da scrittura o lettura. Clicca con il tasto destro sul file → Proprietà →

Controlla che "Sola lettura" non sia selezionato.

Crea il file manualmente: Se il file non esiste, prova a crearne uno vuoto con il nome AlsTeams.txt nella cartella Temp.

2. Permessi di esecuzione del programma

Il programma potrebbe non avere i permessi adeguati per accedere al file o alla cartella.

Avvia il programma come amministratore: Clicca con il tasto destro sul file BGEditV12.exe → Esegui come amministratore

3. Versione di .NET Framework

Scarica e installa .NET Framework 3.5 (compatibile con 2.0).

Link ufficiale Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

Controlla che sia abilitato in Windows:

Vai su Pannello di controllo → Programmi e funzionalità → Attiva o disattiva funzionalità di Windows.

Assicurati che la voce ".NET Framework 3.5 (include .NET 2.0 e 3.0)" sia attiva.

4. Debug JIT (Just-In-Time)

Il debug JIT non è necessario per l'uso normale del programma, ma se vuoi attivarlo per individuare l'errore specifico:

Modifica il file di configurazione BGEdit.exe.config o crealo se non esiste.

Inserisci il seguente codice nel file:

  < jitDebugging="true" />

Questa opzione è utile solo se hai un debugger installato, come Visual Studio.

Inviato: Wednesday, November 20, 2024 9:57:09 PM

Rank: Newbie

Iscritto dal : 11/16/2024
Posts: 5
Ciao ladydrupal0,
grazie ai tuoi consigli sono riuscito a caricare i vari file ma ora mi appare questa finestra (i permessi e le funzionalità sono tutti ok):

Le informazioni su come richiamare il debug JIT (Just-In-Time) anziché questa finestra
sono riportate in fondo al messaggio.

************** Testo dell'eccezione **************
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: InvalidArgument=Valore di '0' non valido per 'SelectedIndex'.
Nome parametro: SelectedIndex
in System.Windows.Forms.ListBox.set_SelectedIndex(Int32 value)
in BGEdit.BGForm.HandleBGroupsFPoolsLoaded(Object sender, EventArgs e)
in System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e)
in BGEdit.MainForm.OnBGroupsFPoolsLoaded()
in BGEdit.MainForm.LoadFiles(String sourceDir, String ext)
in BGEdit.MainForm.HandleOpenBGroupsFPools(Object sender, EventArgs e)
in System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e)
in System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem.MenuItemData.Execute()
in System.Windows.Forms.Command.Invoke()
in System.Windows.Forms.Command.DispatchID(Int32 id)
in System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmCommand(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.WndProc(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Assembly caricati **************
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.9179 (WinRelRS6.050727-9100)
Base di codice: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll

Versione assembly:
Versione Win32:
Base di codice: file:///C:/Users/clesa/OneDrive/Desktop/BGEdit%20fpools/BGEditV12.exe

Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.9149 (WinRelRS6.050727-9100)
Base di codice: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/

Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.9176 (WinRelRS6.050727-9100)
Base di codice: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/

Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.9149 (WinRelRS6.050727-9100)
Base di codice: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/

Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.9176 (WinRelRS6.050727-9100)
Base di codice: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_32/System.Data/

Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.9149 (WinRelRS6.050727-9100)
Base di codice: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/

Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.9179 (WinRelRS6.050727-9100)
Base di codice: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll

Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.9149 (WinRelRS6.050727-9100)
Base di codice: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms.resources/

************** Debug JIT **************
Per attivare il debug JIT, è necessario impostare il valore
jitDebugging nella sezione del file di configurazione
dell'applicazione o del computer (machine.config).
L'applicazione inoltre deve essere compilata con il debug

Ad esempio:

< jitDebugging="true" />

Quando il debug JIT è attivato, tutte le eccezioni non gestite
vengono inviate al debugger JIT registrato nel computer,
anziché essere gestite da questa finestra di dialogo.
Inviato: Thursday, November 21, 2024 9:37:51 AM

Rank: AiutAmico

Iscritto dal : 9/20/2004
Posts: 1,623
La vedo dura...
Alla fine di uno stack di chiamate hai un errore di selezione in un listbox che non accetta il valore zero. Se nella tua applicazione hai delle listbox prova a settarle con un valore diverso da zero e magari si risolve.
Se l'errore invece si produce in fase di avvio dell'applicazione allora si tratta di un bug nel SW o almeno di una incompatibilità del SW con l'ambiente operativo.

Per risolvere dovresti avere il codice sorgente del programma che stai usando e fare una ricerca e correzione del problema tramite un IDE adatto e provvisto di debugger, possibilmente che permetta il passo passo.
Ovviamente per ogni linguaggio di programmazione c'è il suo debugger.

Se non hai il codice sorgente dovresti tentare con una reverse engineering, ma qua andiamo ad un livello molto sofisticato, che oltrepassa le mie competenze.


Sono cosi avanti che quando guardo indietro vedo il futuro.
Inviato: Thursday, November 21, 2024 11:25:59 AM
Rank: AiutAmico

Iscritto dal : 11/28/2022
Posts: 247

Per prima cosa devi attivare il Debugger JIT (Just-In-Time)

Visual Studio installato: anche la versione gratuita Community va bene. L'applicazione deve essere stata compilata con il debug


2. Modifica il file di configurazione

Se l'applicazione ha un file AppName.exe.config: Aprilo con un editor di testo (es. Notepad). Aggiungi questa sezione:

  < jitDebugging="true" />

Salva il file nella directory dell'applicazione.

3. Attiva il Debug JIT nel Registro di Sistema

Premi Win + R, digita regedit e premi Invio. Vai a:


Cerca o crea questi valori:

DbgManagedDebugger (tipo: REG_SZ):

Valore: vsjitdebugger.exe

DbgJITDebugging (tipo: DWORD 32-bit):

Valore: 1.

4. Esegui l'applicazione

Quando si verifica un errore, apparirà una finestra che ti chiede di scegliere un debugger. Seleziona Visual Studio per analizzare lo

stack trace e le variabili.

Inviato: Thursday, November 21, 2024 10:00:58 PM

Rank: Newbie

Iscritto dal : 11/16/2024
Posts: 5
ciao non ho trovato file AppName.exe.config ma c'e un file Tables.ini con su scritto:

;From SgtWilson's CC5QClone.ini:
; Adb file formats V1.2 For CC5 only
; Col : Each data column corresponding to CC4 data value
; Col=<Column description>,<Column data type>,<Column data width>(for Strings only, see P option for other)
; <Column description> is the text displayed as the title
; <Column data type> is the format for the required data
; W - Load and progress file pointer by two bytes
; I - Load and progress file pointer by four bytes
; S - String data (requires number of characters)
; *Unused for this option
; P - Bit pattern (Requiers 8 additional headings for each bit) True or False only
; Load and progress file pointer by one byte
; <Column description*>,<P>,<Number of sub options>,<Sub option titles comma delimited>
; H - Hide x number of bytes
; <Column description*>,<H>,<Number of bytes to skip>,<Hidden value, used to replace hidden fields when saving columns>
; Long description
; Is placed as the last parameter for a column on any type, not sure about length restriction
; so best bet is not to get too carried away. Text must be enclose in double quotes
; which means you cant have any in the text.
; Format versions:
; Element v1.0
; Weapons v1.0
; Vehicles v1.0
; GETeams v1.0
; Soldiers v1.0
; AlsTeams v1.0
; FPools v1.0
; BGroups v1.0
; <State> Set equal to -1 To display each column byte offset with value and name, 0 to disable.
; <Offset> Sets starting position of debug display (use in conjunction with Width)
; Width of each line of data, the sum of col offsets must equal corresponding width
; Select col to display as a vertical reference <Col number> -1 to remove


Col3="Cover Prone",I,4,"Cover Prone 0 - 512 "
Col4="Cover Low",I,5,"Cover Low 0 - 512 "
Col5="Cover Medium",I,6,"Cover Medium 0 - 512 "
Col6="Cover High",I,7,"Cover High 0 - 512 "
Col7="Protection Prone",I,8,"Protection Prone ,mm of steel "
Col8="Protection Low",I,9,"Protection Low ,mm of steel "
Col9="Protection Med",I,10,"Protection Med ,mm of steel "
Col10="Protection High",I,11,"Protection High ,mm of steel "
Col11="Hindrance Prone",I,12,"Hindrance Prone 0 - 512 "
Col12="Hindrance Low",I,13,"Hindrance Low 0 - 512 "
Col13="Hindrance Med",I,14,"Hindrance Med 0 - 512 "
Col14="Hindrance High",I,15,"Hindrance High 0 - 512 "
Col15="Top Protection",I,18,""
Col16="In Elem Prot Flag",I,19,"0=no prot in elem, 1=prot in elem, 2=linear sunken, 3=linear elevated, 4=partial prot (better if behind), 5=due to elevation (must be behind and lower) "
Col17="HE Effect",I,20
Col18="Soldier Move Prone",I,21,"Soldier Move Prone secs/2 meters "
Col19="Soldier Move Crouch",I,22,"Soldier Move Crouch secs/2 meters "
Col20="Soldier Move Standing",I,23,"Soldier Move Standing secs/2 meters "
Col21="Vehical Move Pushed",I,24,"Vehical Move Pushed secs/2 meters "
Col22="Vehical Move Truck",I,25,"Vehical Move Truck secs/2 meters "
Col23="Vehical Move Arm Car",I,26,"Vehical Move Arm Car secs/2 meters "
Col24="Vehical Move Halftrack",I,27,"Vehical Move Halftrack secs/2 meters "
Col25="Vehical Move Tracked",I,28,"Vehical Move Tracked secs/2 meters "
Col26="Bog Chance Out of 128",I,29,"Bog Chance Out of 128 "
Col27="Immobilize Chance Out of 128",I,30,"Immobilize Chance Out of 128 "
Col28="Element Options",P,8,"16,17,31,32,33,34,35,36","Block Height","Block All","Wall","Building","Sunken","Crushable","Covered","Bridge","Element options must be either True or False."
Col29="Terrain Options",P,8,"37,38,39,40,0,0,0,0","Snow","Interior","Road","Minefield","New Trench","New Weapon Pit","Can Digin","Trench","Terrain options must be either True or False."
Col30="Weapon Pit?",W,2,"The only element with this value is Weapon Pit may be incorrect column "
Col31="How Flammable",I,41
Col32="Explode",I,42,"0=None, 1=Crater, 2=Splash, 3=Wood, 4=Stone, 5=Brick, 6=pavement "
Col33="Level",W,43,"A next element number in a series "
Col35="Rubble To",W,44,"A next element number in a series "
Col36="Crush To",W,45,"A next element number in a series "
Col37="Burn To",W,46,"A next element number in a series "
Col39="Tree Type",W,47
Col40="Tree Flag",W,0


Col3="Fire Animate",I,5," -1 = No Anim 0 = Rifle 1 = Machine Gun 2 = Bazooka 3 = Mortar "
Col4="Type"I,6," 0 = Close Combat 1 = Rifle 2 = Semiauto 3 = Sub-machine gun 4 = Anti-Tank 5 = Flame Thrower 6 = DemoCharge 7 = MG 8 = Mortar 9 = Large Gun 10 = Grenade 11 = Pistol 12 = Smk Mtr 13 = Light MG 14 = Incendiary "
Col5="Primary Target",I,7," 0 = Infantry 1 = Vehicle 2 = Terrain "
Col6="Valid Target",I,8," 1 = Infantry 2 = Vehicle 3 = Inf & Veh 4 = Terrain 5 = Inf & Ter 6 = Veh & Ter 7 = Inf,Veh&Ter "
Col7="Reload Time Chamber 1/10 s",I,9," In 1/10 secs "
Col8="Reload Time Clip 1/10 s",I,10," In 1/10 secs "
Col9="Time to Fire 1/10 s",I,11," In 1/10 secs "
Col10="Setup Time 1/10 secs",I,12," In 1/10 secs "
Col11="Rounds Per Clip",W,13,""
Col12="Rounds In One Burst",W,14,""
Col13="Weapon Weight",W,15," In Pounds "
Col14="Clip Weight",W,16," In Pounds "
Col15="Cool Rate",I,17," In 1/10 secs ? "
Col16="Heat Rate",I,18," In 1/10 secs ? "
Col17="No Jam Or Break Quality",I,19,""
Col18="Fire Options",P,8,"20,21,22,23,24,25,26,0","Assault Fire","Bayonette","Back Blast","White Phosphor","Rifle Grenades","Demmo Charge","Cannister","Unknown",20
Col21="Blast Size AP",I,27," -1 = No Blast 0 = Very Small 1 = Small 2 = Medium 3 = Large 4 = Very Large 5 = Humongous "
Col22="Blast Size HE",I,28," -1 = No Blast 0 = Very Small 1 = Small 2 = Medium 3 = Large 4 = Very Large 5 = Humongous "
Col23="Blast Size Heat",I,29," -1 = No Blast 0 = Very Small 1 = Small 2 = Medium 3 = Large 4 = Very Large 5 = Humongous "
Col24="Blast Size Smoke",I,30," -1 = No Blast 0 = Very Small 1 = Small 2 = Medium 3 = Large 4 = Very Large 5 = Humongous "
Col25="Blast Size Spec",I,31," -1 = No Blast 0 = Very Small 1 = Small 2 = Medium 3 = Large 4 = Very Large 5 = Humongous "
Col26="Blast Radius AP",W,32," in meters "
Col27="Blast Radius HE",W,33," in meters "
Col28="Blast Radius Heat",W,34," in meters "
Col29="Blast Radius Smoke",W,35," in meters "
Col30="Blast Radius Spec",W,36," in meters "
Col31="Min Range AP",W,37," in meters "
Col32="Min Range HE",W,38," in meters "
Col33="Min Range Heat",W,39," in meters "
Col34="Min Range Smoke",W,40," in meters "
Col35="Min Range Spec",W,41," in meters "
Col36="Fire Direction AP",I,42," -1 = Can't Fire 0 = Direct 1 = Indirect "
Col37="Fire Direction HE",I,43," -1 = Can't Fire 0 = Direct 1 = Indirect "
Col38="Fire Direction Heat",I,44," -1 = Can't Fire 0 = Direct 1 = Indirect "
Col39="Fire Direction Smoke",I,45," -1 = Can't Fire 0 = Direct 1 = Indirect "
Col40="Fire Direction Spec",I,46," -1 = Can't Fire 0 = Direct 1 = Indirect "
Col41="Base Accuracy AP",I,47," 0-511 bell curve "
Col42="Base Accuracy HE",I,48," 0-511 bell curve "
Col43="Base Accuracy Heat",I,49," 0-511 bell curve "
Col44="Base Accuracy Smoke",I,50," 0-511 bell curve "
Col45="Base Accuracy Spec",I,51," 0-511 bell curve "
Col46="Range PB AP",W,52," in meters "
Col47="Range PB HE",W,53," in meters "
Col48="Range PB Heat",W,54," in meters "
Col49="Range PB Smoke",W,55," in meters "
Col50="Range PB Spec",W,56," in meters "
Col51="Range Close AP",W,57," in meters "
Col52="Range Close HE",W,58," in meters "
Col53="Range Close Heat",W,59," in meters "
Col54="Range Close Smoke",W,60," in meters "
Col55="Range Close Spec",W,61," in meters "
Col56="Range Med AP",W,62," in meters "
Col57="Range Med HE",W,63," in meters "
Col58="Range Med Heat",W,64," in meters "
Col59="Range Med Smoke",W,65," in meters "
Col60="Range Med Spec",W,66," in meters "
Col61="Range Long AP",W,67," in meters "
Col62="Range Long HE",W,68," in meters "
Col63="Range Long Heat",W,69," in meters "
Col64="Range Long Smoke",W,70," in meters "
Col65="Range Long Spec",W,71," in meters "
Col66="Kill Raiting PB AP",I,72," Measured in mm of steel penetratable "
Col67="Kill Raiting PB HE",I,73," Measured in mm of steel penetratable "
Col68="Kill Raiting PB Heat",I,74," Measured in mm of steel penetratable "
Col69="Kill Raiting PB Smoke",I,75," Measured in mm of steel penetratable "
Col70="Kill Raiting PB Spec",I,76," Measured in mm of steel penetratable "
Col71="Kill Raiting Close AP",I,77," Measured in mm of steel penetratable "
Col72="Kill Raiting Close HE",I,78," Measured in mm of steel penetratable "
Col73="Kill Raiting Close Heat",I,79," Measured in mm of steel penetratable "
Col74="Kill Raiting Close Smoke",I,80," Measured in mm of steel penetratable "
Col75="Kill Raiting Close Spec",I,81," Measured in mm of steel penetratable "
Col76="Kill Raiting Med AP",I,82," Measured in mm of steel penetratable "
Col77="Kill Raiting Med HE",I,83," Measured in mm of steel penetratable "
Col78="Kill Raiting Med Heat",I,84," Measured in mm of steel penetratable "
Col79="Kill Raiting Med Smoke",I,85," Measured in mm of steel penetratable "
Col80="Kill Raiting Med Spec",I,86," Measured in mm of steel penetratable "
Col81="Kill Raiting Long AP",I,87," Measured in mm of steel penetratable "
Col82="Kill Raiting Long HE",I,88," Measured in mm of steel penetratable "
Col83="Kill Raiting Long Heat",I,89," Measured in mm of steel penetratable "
Col84="Kill Raiting Long Smoke",I,90," Measured in mm of steel penetratable "
Col85="Kill Raiting Long Spec",I,91," Measured in mm of steel penetratable "
Col86="Blast Raiting PB AP",I,92," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 "
Col87="Blast Raiting PB HE",I,93," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 "
Col88="Blast Raiting PB Heat",I,94," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 "
Col89="Blast Raiting PB Smoke",I,95," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 "
Col90="Blast Raiting PB Spec",I,96," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 "
Col91="Blast Raiting Close AP",I,97," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 "
Col92="Blast Raiting Close HE",I,98," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 "
Col93="Blast Raiting Close Heat",I,99," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 "
Col94="Blast Raiting Close Smoke",I,100," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 "
Col95="Blast Raiting Close Spec",I,101," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 "
Col96="Blast Raiting Med AP",I,102," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 "
Col97="Blast Raiting Med HE",I,103," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 "
Col98="Blast Raiting Med Heat",I,104," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 "
Col99="Blast Raiting Med Smoke",I,105," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 "
Col100="Blast Raiting Med Spec",I,106," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 "
Col101="Blast Raiting Long AP",I,107," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 "
Col102="Blast Raiting Long HE",I,108," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 "
Col103="Blast Raiting Long Heat",I,109," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 "
Col104="Blast Raiting Long Smoke",I,110," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 "
Col105="Blast Raiting Long Spec",I,111," Appears to be a sliding scale of 0 to 100 "
Col106="Weapon Sound",I,112,"Sample used by the weapon "
Col107="How Mounted",I,113," 0 = Main 1 = Bow 2 = Coax 3 = AA 4 = Rear Crew value is variable "
Col108="Unknown Byte",B,0,""
Col109="Unknown Byte",B,0,""
Col110="Unknown Byte",B,0,""
Col111="Unknown Byte",B,0,""
Col112="Unknown Byte",B,0,""
Col113="Unknown Byte",B,0,""


Col0="Name",S,25,1,"Default in game team description "
Col1="Type Name",S,25,2,"Additional team description "
Col2="Full Name",S,50,3,"Additional team description "
Col3="Class",W,5,"Class refers to the field Team Class found in FPools.adb "
Col4="Nation?",W,4,"Germans=5 ,American=0 "
Col5="Type",W,6,"0 = Command Infantry 1 = Cmnd Halftrack 2 = Vehicle Cmnd Tank 3 = Crew 4 = Sniper 5 = Anti-Tank Infantry 6 = Recon 7 = Rifle 8 = Heavy Rifle 9 = Assault Infantry 10 = Engineer 11 = Machine Gun 12 = Mortar 13 = Gun Light Infantry 14 = Gun Medium Infantry 15 = Gun Heavy Infantry 16 = Gun Light Flak 17 = Gun Medium Flak 18 = Gun Heavy Flak 19 = Gun Light AT 20 = Gun Medium AT 21 = Gun Heavy AT 22 = Vehicle Truck 23 = Vehicle Halftrack 24 = Vehicle Recon 25 = Vehicle Flak 26 = Vehicle Lt Assault Gun 27 = Vehicle Md Assault Gun 28 = Vehicle Hvy Assault Gun 29 = Vehicle Jmb Assault Gun 30 = Vehicle Lt Tank Dest 31 = Vehicle Md T Dest 32 = Vehicle Hvy Tank Dest 33 = Vehicle Lt Tank 34 = Vehicle Md Tank 35 = Vehicle Hvy Tank 36 = Vehicle Jmb Tank "
Col7="Value?",W,7,"Only values entered for German Teams? "
Col8="Experience",B,8,"0 = None 1 = Green 2 = Average 3 = Experienced 4 = Veteran 5 = Elite ""
Col9="Morale",B,9,"0 = None 1 = Low 2 = Average 3 = High 4 = Very High 5 = Fanatic "
Col10="Icon Style?",I,10,"This is the paint scheme you see during gameplay "
Col11="Icon Name?",W,11,"This is the little icon you see on the requisition screen "
Col12="Name Graphic (CC3)",W,12,"Suspect this as another req screen icon but ? "
Col13="Winter (CC3)",W,13,"Winter Equipped 0 = False 1 = True ? "
Col14="Unused",H,2,0,0 = " "
Col15="Requisition Type",W,14,"0 = Command 1 = Infantry 2 = Armor 3 = Support "
Col17="SAI Unit",B,15,"0 = Sniper 1 = Rifle 2 = Recon 3 = Assault 4 = Antitank 5 = Flame 6 = MG 7 = Mortar 8 = Vehicle 9 = Armored Car 10 = Halftrack 11 = Light Tank 12 = Medium Tank 13 = Heavy Tank 14 = Light Gun 15 = Medium Gun 16 = Heavy Gun 17 = Command Infantry 18 = Command Halftrack 19 = Command Tank "
Col18="Soldier List 0",B,16,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb "
Col19="Soldier List 1",B,17,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb "
Col20="Soldier List 2",B,18,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb "
Col21="Soldier List 3",B,19,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb "
Col22="Soldier List 4",B,20,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb "
Col23="Soldier List 5",B,21,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb "
Col24="Soldier List 6",B,22,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb "
Col25="Soldier List 7",B,23,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb "
Col26="Soldier List 8",B,24,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb "
Col27="Soldier List 9",B,25,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb "
Col29="Soldier Type 0",I,26,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader "
Col30="Soldier Type 1",I,27,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader "
Col31="Soldier Type 2",I,28,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader "
Col32="Soldier Type 3",I,29,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader "
Col33="Soldier Type 4",I,30,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader "
Col34="Soldier Type 5",I,31,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader "
Col35="Soldier Type 6",I,32,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader "
Col36="Soldier Type 7",I,33,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader "
Col37="Soldier Type 8",I,34,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader "
Col38="Soldier Type 9",I,35,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader "
Col39="Team Size?",W,0,"Must equal the number of soldiers (1-10) as defined by list and type ""
Col40="Vehicle Class",B,36,"Vehicle index From vehicles.adb "
Col61="Clears Mines",W,57,"0 = No, 1 = Yes"
Col62="Unknown Options",P,8,"0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?


Col0="Name",S,25,1,"Default in game team description "
Col1="Type Name",S,25,2,"Additional team description "
Col2="Full Name",S,50,3,"Additional team description "
Col3="Class",W,5,"Class refers to the field Team Class found in FPools.adb "
Col4="Nation?",W,4,"Germans=5 ,American=0 "
Col5="Type",W,6,"0 = Command Infantry 1 = Cmnd Halftrack 2 = Vehicle Cmnd Tank 3 = Crew 4 = Sniper 5 = Anti-Tank Infantry 6 = Recon 7 = Rifle 8 = Heavy Rifle 9 = Assault Infantry 10 = Engineer 11 = Machine Gun 12 = Mortar 13 = Gun Light Infantry 14 = Gun Medium Infantry 15 = Gun Heavy Infantry 16 = Gun Light Flak 17 = Gun Medium Flak 18 = Gun Heavy Flak 19 = Gun Light AT 20 = Gun Medium AT 21 = Gun Heavy AT 22 = Vehicle Truck 23 = Vehicle Halftrack 24 = Vehicle Recon 25 = Vehicle Flak 26 = Vehicle Lt Assault Gun 27 = Vehicle Md Assault Gun 28 = Vehicle Hvy Assault Gun 29 = Vehicle Jmb Assault Gun 30 = Vehicle Lt Tank Dest 31 = Vehicle Md T Dest 32 = Vehicle Hvy Tank Dest 33 = Vehicle Lt Tank 34 = Vehicle Md Tank 35 = Vehicle Hvy Tank 36 = Vehicle Jmb Tank "
Col7="Value?",W,7,"Only values entered for German Teams? "
Col8="Experience",B,8,"0 = None 1 = Green 2 = Average 3 = Experienced 4 = Veteran 5 = Elite ""
Col9="Morale",B,9,"0 = None 1 = Low 2 = Average 3 = High 4 = Very High 5 = Fanatic "
Col10="Icon Style?",I,10,"This is the paint scheme you see during gameplay "
Col11="Icon Name?",W,11,"This is the little icon you see on the requisition screen "
Col12="Name Graphic (CC3)",W,12,"Suspect this as another req screen icon but ? "
Col13="Winter (CC3)",W,13,"Winter Equipped 0 = False 1 = True ? "
Col15="Requisition Type",W,14,"0 = Command 1 = Infantry 2 = Armor 3 = Support "
Col17="SAI Unit",B,15,"0 = Sniper 1 = Rifle 2 = Recon 3 = Assault 4 = Antitank 5 = Flame 6 = MG 7 = Mortar 8 = Vehicle 9 = Armored Car 10 = Halftrack 11 = Light Tank 12 = Medium Tank 13 = Heavy Tank 14 = Light Gun 15 = Medium Gun 16 = Heavy Gun 17 = Command Infantry 18 = Command Halftrack 19 = Command Tank "
Col18="Soldier List 0",B,16,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb "
Col19="Soldier List 1",B,17,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb "
Col20="Soldier List 2",B,18,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb "
Col21="Soldier List 3",B,19,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb "
Col22="Soldier List 4",B,20,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb "
Col23="Soldier List 5",B,21,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb "
Col24="Soldier List 6",B,22,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb "
Col25="Soldier List 7",B,23,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb "
Col26="Soldier List 8",B,24,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb "
Col27="Soldier List 9",B,25,"Soldier index from soldiers.adb "
Col29="Soldier Type 0",I,26,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader "
Col30="Soldier Type 1",I,27,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader "
Col31="Soldier Type 2",I,28,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader "
Col32="Soldier Type 3",I,29,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader "
Col33="Soldier Type 4",I,30,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader "
Col34="Soldier Type 5",I,31,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader "
Col35="Soldier Type 6",I,32,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader "
Col36="Soldier Type 7",I,33,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader "
Col37="Soldier Type 8",I,34,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader "
Col38="Soldier Type 9",I,35,"-1 = Empty Slot 0 = Basic 1 = Leader 2 = Crew 3 = Asst Leader 4 = Commander 5 = Tank Leader "
Col39="Team Size?",W,0,"Must equal the number of soldiers (1-10) as defined by list and type ""
Col40="Vehicle Class",B,36,"Vehicle index From vehicles.adb "
Col61="Clears Mines",W,57," 0 = No, 1 = Yes "
Col62="Unknown Options",P,8,"0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?","Unknown?


Col1="Type",I,6,"1=Afv,2=Halftrack,3 Armoured car,4=Gun,5=Truck,6=Aircraft "
Col4="Hull Graphics",S,14,4,"Refrers to vehicle graphics in tanks.azp and Guns.azp "
Col5="Turret Graphics",S,14,5,"Refrers to vehicle graphics in tanks.azp and Guns.azp "
Col6="Wreck Graphics",S,14,0,"Refrers to vehicle graphics in shadows.azp (Note: You must have a shadow file for every land vehicle hull file) "
Col7="Hull Gun 1 Type",I,7,"Hull Gun Refers to the field 'Index' found in the Weapons form "
Col8="Hull Gun 2 Type",I,8,"Hull Gun Refers to the field 'Index' found in the Weapons form "
Col9="Hull Gun 3 Type",I,9,"Hull Gun Refers to the field 'Index' found in the Weapons form "
Col11="Hull Gun 1 Ammo AP",W,16,"Number of clips "
Col12="Hull Gun 1 Ammo HE",W,17,"Number of clips "
Col13="Hull Gun 1 Ammo Heat",W,18,"Number of clips "
Col14="Hull Gun 1 Ammo Smoke",W,19,"Number of clips "
Col15="Hull Gun 1 Ammo Spec",W,20,"Number of clips "
Col16="Hull Gun 2 Ammo AP",W,21,"Number of clips "
Col17="Hull Gun 2 Ammo HE",W,22,"Number of clips "
Col18="Hull Gun 2 Ammo Heat",W,23,"Number of clips "
Col19="Hull Gun 2 Ammo Smoke",W,24,"Number of clips "
Col20="Hull Gun 2 Ammo Spec",W,25,"Number of clips "
Col21="Hull Gun 3 Ammo AP",W,26,"Number of clips "
Col22="Hull Gun 3 Ammo HE",W,27,"Number of clips "
Col23="Hull Gun 3 Ammo Heat",W,28,"Number of clips "
Col24="Hull Gun 3 Ammo Smoke",W,29,"Number of clips "
Col25="Hull Gun 3 Ammo Spec",W,30,"Number of clips "
Col26="Hull Gun 1 Exposed To Fire",B,10,"Exposed to Fire 0 = False 1 = True "
Col27="Hull Gun 2 Exposed To Fire",B,11,"Exposed to Fire 0 = False 1 = True "
Col28="Hull Gun 3 Exposed To Fire",B,12,"Exposed to Fire 0 = False 1 = True "
Col29="Hull Gun 1 Fire Angle",B,13,"Cannot Fire=0,Front=1,Front Arc=131,Front and Sides=197,All But Rear=231,360 Degrees=255,All but Front=254,Rear and sides=124 "
Col30="Hull Gun 2 Fire Angle",B,14,"Cannot Fire=0,Front=1,Front Arc=131,Front and Sides=197,All But Rear=231,360 Degrees=255,All but Front=254,Rear and sides=124 "
Col31="Hull Gun 3 Fire Angle",B,15,"Cannot Fire=0,Front=1,Front Arc=131,Front and Sides=197,All But Rear=231,360 Degrees=255,All but Front=254,Rear and sides=124 "
Col32="Hull Armour Front Low",I,31,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col33="Hull Armour Front Med",I,32,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col34="Hull Armour Front High",I,33,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col35="Hull Armour Front Side Low",I,34,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col36="Hull Armour Front Side Med",I,35,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col37="Hull Armour Front Side High",I,36,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col38="Hull Armour Side Low",I,37,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col39="Hull Armour Side Med",I,38,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col40="Hull Armour Side High",I,39,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col41="Hull Armour Side Rear Low",I,40,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col42="Hull Armour Side Rear Med",I,41,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col43="Hull Armour Side Rear High",I,42,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col44="Hull Armour Rear Low",I,43,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col45="Hull Armour Rear Med",I,44,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col46="Hull Armour Rear High",I,45,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col47="Hull Armour Top Low",I,46,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col48="Hull Armour Top Med",I,47,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col49="Hull Armour Top High",I,48,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col50="Hull Armour Bottom Low",I,49,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col51="Hull Armour Bottom Med",I,50,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col52="Hull Armour Bottom High",I,51,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col53="Hull Crew Cover Front",I,52,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col54="Hull Crew Cover Front Side",I,53,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col55="Hull Crew Cover Side",I,54,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col56="Hull Crew Cover Side Rear",I,55,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col57="Hull Crew Cover Rear",I,56,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col58="Hull Crew Cover Top",I,57,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col59="Hull Crew Cover Bottom",I,58,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col60="Hull Rotation",I,59,"Time to travers 1.16 of 360o in 1/10 secs "
Col61="Hull Mount Type",I,60,"Hull Mount=0,Fixed=1,Rotating=2 "
Col62="Turr Gun 1",I,61,"Weapons index from weapons.adb "
Col63="Turr Gun 2",I,62,"Weapons index from weapons.adb "
Col64="Turr Gun 3",I,63,"Weapons index from weapons.adb "
Col66="Turr Gun 1 Ammo AP",W,70,"Number of clips "
Col67="Turr Gun 1 Ammo HE",W,71,"Number of clips "
Col68="Turr Gun 1 Ammo Heat",W,72,"Number of clips "
Col69="Turr Gun 1 Ammo Smoke",W,73,"Number of clips "
Col70="Turr Gun 1 Ammo Spec",W,74,"Number of clips "
Col71="Turr Gun 2 Ammo AP",W,75,"Number of clips "
Col72="Turr Gun 2 Ammo HE",W,76,"Number of clips "
Col73="Turr Gun 2 Ammo Heat",W,77,"Number of clips "
Col74="Turr Gun 2 Ammo Smoke",W,78,"Number of clips "
Col75="Turr Gun 2 Ammo Spec",W,79,"Number of clips "
Col76="Turr Gun 3 Ammo AP",W,80,"Number of clips "
Col77="Turr Gun 3 Ammo HE",W,81,"Number of clips "
Col78="Turr Gun 3 Ammo Heat",W,82,"Number of clips "
Col79="Turr Gun 3 Ammo Smoke",W,83,"Number of clips "
Col80="Turr Gun 3 Ammo Spec",W,84,"Number of clips "
Col81="Turr Gun 1 Exposed To Fire",B,64,"Exposed to Fire 0 = False 1 = True "
Col82="Turr Gun 2 Exposed To Fire",B,65,"Exposed to Fire 0 = False 1 = True "
Col83="Turr Gun 3 Exposed To Fire",B,66,"Exposed to Fire 0 = False 1 = True "
Col84="Turr Gun 1 Fire Angle",B,67,"Fire Angle Cannot Fire = 0 Front = 1 Front Arc = 131 Front and Sides = 197 All But Rear = 231 360 Degrees = 255 All but Front = 254 Rear and sides = 124 Rotating Turrets=0 Fixed Turrets=Preceeding Values "
Col85="Turr Gun 2 Fire Angle",B,68,"Fire Angle Cannot Fire = 0 Front = 1 Front Arc = 131 Front and Sides = 197 All But Rear = 231 360 Degrees = 255 All but Front = 254 Rear and sides = 124 Rotating Turrets=0 Fixed Turrets=Preceeding Values "
Col86="Turr Gun 3 Fire Angle",B,69,"Fire Angle Cannot Fire = 0 Front = 1 Front Arc = 131 Front and Sides = 197 All But Rear = 231 360 Degrees = 255 All but Front = 254 Rear and sides = 124 Rotating Turrets=0 Fixed Turrets=Preceeding Values "
Col87="Turret Armour Front Low",I,85,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col88="Turret Armour Front Med",I,86,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col89="Turret Armour Front High",I,87,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col90="Turret Armour Front Side Low",I,88,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col91="Turret Armour Front Side Med",I,89,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col92="Turret Armour Front Side High",I,90,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col93="Turret Armour Side Low",I,91,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col94="Turret Armour Side Med",I,92,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col95="Turret Armour Side High",I,93,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col96="Turret Armour Side Rear Low",I,94,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col97="Turret Armour Side Rear Med",I,95,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col98="Turret Armour Side Rear High",I,96,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col99="Turret Armour Rear Low",I,97,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col100="Turret Armour Rear Med",I,98,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col101="Turret Armour Rear High",I,99,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col102="Turret Armour Top Low",I,100,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col103="Turret Armour Top Med",I,101,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col104="Turret Armour Top High",I,102,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col105="Turret Armour Bottom Low",I,103,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col106="Turret Armour Bottom Med",I,104,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col107="Turret Armour Bottom High",I,105,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col108="Turret Crew Cover Front ",I,106,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col109="Turret Crew Cover Front Side",I,107,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col110="Turret Crew Cover Side",I,108,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col111="Turret Crew Cover Side Rear",I,109,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col112="Turret Crew Cover Rear",I,110,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col113="Turret Crew Cover Top",I,111,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col114="Turret Crew Cover Bottom",I,112,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col115="Turret Rotation Rate",I,113,"Time to traverse 1/16 of 360o in 1/10 secs "
Col116="Turret Mount Type",I,114,"1 = Gun Turret 2 = Vehicle Turret "
Col117="Chance To Hit Hull",I,115,"% 0f 128 (64=50%) "
Col118="Chance To Hit Turret",I,116,"% 0f 128 (64=50%) "
Col119="Turret Type Mount",W,117,"1 = Gun Turret 2 = Vehicle Turret "
Col120="Acceleration",W,118,"In 2m / 10 s2 "
Col121="Max Speed",W,119,"In 2m / 10 s2 "
Col122="Move Type",W,120,"0 = Pushed 1 = Truck 2 = Armored Car 3 = HalfTrack 4 = Tracked "
Col123="Vehicular Size",I,121,"Sqrt (W x L x H) * 2 in meters "
Col124="Element Radius",I,122,"Number of elements covered by vehicle size "
Col125="Integrity",I,123,"1 - 512 Where 1 = a can of gas and 512 = a block of steel "
Col126="Number Of Crew",I,124,"Has to equal the number of soldier columns and type of soldier columns in the Teams.adb tables "
Col127="Best Kill",I,125,""
Col128="Best Mount",B,126,"0 = Hull 1 = Turret "
Col129="Best Gun",B,127
Col130="Has Gyro",B,128,"0 = False 1 = True "
Col131="Has Shurzen",B,129,"0 = False 1 = True "
Col132="Gun Rotates On Base",I,130,"0 = False 1 = True "
Col133="Ground Pressure",I,131,"1 = Very Light 2 = Light 3 = Normal 4 = Heavy 5 = Very Heavy "
Col134="Booleans ?",P,8,"0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0","Boolean?","Boolean?","Boolean?","Boolean?","Boolean?","Boolean?","Boolean?","Boolean?","Element options must be either True or False."


Col0="Index",B,3,"Index refers to the fields 'Soldier Lists' found in the Teams form "
Col1="Name",S,23,1,"Soldier description "
Col4="Helmet Armor",W,4,"In mm of penetrable steel "
Col8="Chance for Head",W,6,"Chance out of 128 (64 = 50%) "
Col10="Chance for Body",W,7,"Chance out of 128 (64 = 50%) "
Col12="Weight",I,8,"Does not include ammo or weapon "
Col13="Crewed Weapon",I,9,"This is the weapon weapon number from the weapons table if the weapon is a personal weapon and not a crewed weapon "
Col14="Primary Weapon",I,15,"-1 is a crew type soldier, otherwise it is the personal weapon from weapons.adb "
Col15="Secondary Weapon",I,21,"backup weapon for regular soldiers and crew soldiers from weapons.txt "
Col16="Grenade Weapon",I,27,"# of grenades being carried columns Grenade AP to Grenade Special, distinguish the individual types of grenades and those values have to add up to the value in this column "
Col18="Crewed AP",W,10,"Appear unused as crew weapons are handled in vehicles.txt "
Col19="Crewed HE",W,11,"Appear unused as crew weapons are handled in vehicles.txt "
Col20="Crewed HEAT",W,12,"Appear unused as crew weapons are handled in vehicles.txt "
Col21="Crewed Smoke",W,13,"Appear unused as crew weapons are handled in vehicles.txt "
Col22="Crewed Special",W,14,"Appear unused as crew weapons are handled in vehicles.txt "
Col23="Primary AP",W,16,"Number of clips "
Col24="Primary HE",W,17,"Number of clips "
Col25="Primary HEAT",W,18,"Number of clips "
Col26="Primary Smoke",W,19,"Number of clips "
Col27="Primary Special",W,20,"Number of clips "
Col28="Secondary AP",W,22,"Number of clips "
Col29="Secondary HE",W,23,"Number of clips "
Col30="Secondary HEAT",W,24,"Number of clips "
Col31="Secondary Smoke",W,25,"Number of clips "
Col32="Secondary Special",W,26,"Number of clips "
Col33="Grenade AP",W,28,"Number of Grenades "
Col34="Grenade HE",W,29,"Number of Grenades "
Col35="Grenade HEAT",W,30,"Number of Grenades "
Col36="Grenade Smoke",W,31,"Number of Grenades "
Col37="Grenade Special",W,32,"Number of Grenades "


Col3="Nationality",B,"0=American, 1=German "
Col4="Date",I,"0=December the 16th up to 15=December the 31st "
Col5="Difficulty",I,"0=Hero, 1=Hero/Veteran, 2=Veteran, 3=Veteran/Recruit, 4=Recruit "
Col6="Team Class 1",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Index' found in the Teams form "
Col8="Quantity 1",I
Col9="Team Class 2",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col11="Quantity 2",I
Col12="Team Class 3",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col14="Quantity 3",I
Col15="Team Class 4",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col17="Quantity 4",I
Col18="Team Class 5",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col20="Quantity 5",I
Col21="Team Class 6",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col23="Quantity 6",I
Col24="Team Class 7",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col26="Quantity 7",I
Col27="Team Class 8",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col29="Quantity 8",I
Col30="Team Class 9",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col32="Quantity 9",I
Col33="Team Class 10",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col35="Quantity 10",I
Col36="Team Class 11",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col38="Quantity 11",I
Col39="Team Class 12",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col41="Quantity 12",I
Col42="Team Class 13",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col44="Quantity 13",I
Col45="Team Class 14",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col47="Quantity 14",I
Col48="Team Class 15",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col50="Quantity 15",I
Col51="Team Class 16",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col53="Quantity 16",I
Col54="Team Class 17",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col56="Quantity 17",I
Col57="Team Class 18",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col59="Quantity 18",I
Col60="Team Class 19",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col62="Quantity 19",I
Col63="Team Class 20",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col65="Quantity 20",I
Col66="Team Class 21",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col68="Quantity 21",I
Col69="Team Class 22",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col71="Quantity 22",I
Col72="Team Class 23",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col74="Quantity 23",I
Col75="Team Class 24",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col77="Quantity 24",I
Col78="Team Class 25",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col80="Quantity 25",I
Col81="Team Class 26",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col83="Quantity 26",I
Col84="Team Class 27",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col86="Quantity 27",I
Col87="Team Class 28",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col89="Quantity 28",I
Col90="Team Class 29",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col92="Quantity 29",I
Col93="Team Class 30",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col95="Quantity 30",I
Col96="Team Class 31",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col98="Quantity 31",I
Col99="Team Class 32",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col101="Quantity 32",I
Col102="Team Class 33",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col104="Quantity 33",I
Col105="Team Class 34",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col107="Quantity 34",I
Col108="Team Class 35",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col110="Quantity 35",I
Col111="Team Class 36",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col113="Quantity 36",I
Col114="Team Class 37",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col116="Quantity 37",I
Col117="Team Class 38",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col119="Quantity 38",I
Col120="Team Class 39",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col122="Quantity 39",I
Col123="Team Class 40",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col125="Quantity 40",I
Col126="Team Class 41",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col128="Quantity 41",I
Col129="Team Class 42",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col131="Quantity 42",I
Col132="Team Class 43",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col134="Quantity 43",I
Col135="Team Class 44",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col137="Quantity 44",I
Col138="Team Class 45",W,"Team class refers to the field 'Class' found in the Teams form "
Col140="Quantity 45",I


Col0="Index",I,"Index field, used as a reference for data files "
Col4="Type",I,"0=Infantry, 1=Recon, 2=Armor, 3=Mech, 4=Airborne, 5=Engineer "
Col5="Nationality",B,"0=American, 1=German "
Col7="Speed",I,"0=Very Slow, 1=Slow, 2=Medium, 3=Fast, 4=Very Fast "
Col8="Team 1 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form "
Col9="Team 2 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form "
Col10="Team 3 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form "
Col11="Team 4 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form "
Col12="Team 5 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form "
Col13="Team 6 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form "
Col14="Team 7 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form "
Col15="Team 8 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form "
Col16="Team 9 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form "
Col17="Team 10 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form "
Col18="Team 11 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form "
Col19="Team 12 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form "
Col20="Team 13 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form "
Col21="Team 14 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form "
Col22="Team 15 Type",I,"Team type refers to the field Type found in the Teams form "
Col23="Rank/Name",S,26,"Battle group commander's rank and name "
Col24="Charisma",B,"-5 takes morale away from troops, +5 gives morale to troops "
Col25="Caution",B,"-5 makes BG commander hold no reserves, +5 makes BG Commander hold lots of reserves "
Col26="Aggression",B,"-5 makes BG commander timid in battle plans, +5 makes for aggressive battle plans "
Col27="Tactics",B,"-5 means BG commander does not use full tactical plans, +5 means that the BG commander uses all tactical plans "
Col29="BG Icon ID",I,"Refers to uniticons.bmp in the graphics directory "
Col30="Force Pool",I,"Refers to the field Index found in the Force Pool Form "

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